“Before Harvest Hawk got to Afghanistan, naysayers called it useless,” added Capt. Dusty Cook, a VMGR-252 Harvest Hawk pilot. “But we have effectively connected Harvest Hawk to the Marine ground force. While we were in Afghanistan, we flew just about every day watching, relaying informatio...
KC-130J Harvest Hawk+ 896 C130Guy 6.3 years ago Download 506 downloads No Tags New and imporved harvest chicken. 1. Day FAA lights 2. Night FAA lights 3. Leading edge lights 4. Missile and countermeasure saftey 5. Pod illumination lights 6. Formation lights 7. Landing and taxi lights...
The KC-130J aircraft is armed with Harvest Hawk (Hercules Airborne Weapons Kit) modular roll-on, roll-off weapons system. A fire control console is placed on a standard pallet in the cargo compartment. The weapon system employs four Hellfire air-to-surface missiles fitted in place of the le...
The KC-130J can also be configured as an aerial gunship, with the addition of an AN/AAQ-60 targeting pod, Hellfire missiles, guided bombs and a 30mm cannon. The so-called Harvest HAWK package is used for ground support of Marines in contact and was first used in Afghanistan.Equipment...
但是,2009年,美国海军陆战队找到了一种方法,可以通过开发Harvest Hawk来发挥灵活性,该套件使他们的新型KC-130J加油机能够兼作导弹巡逻的武装直升机和令人毛骨悚然的空中间谍平台,莫多之眼可耻。 自从担心的AC-130幽灵武装直升机在越战期间首次亮相以来,就已经存在全副武装的大力神运输机,而空军目前运营着几种不同...
The Global Leader in Aerial Refueling The KC-130Js assigned to U.S. Marine Corps units have more than 20,000 hours of flight in Iraq. The KC-130J is battle-tested and delivers capabilities that enables fleets around the world to keep flying. The KC-130J aerial refueling (AR) tanker ...
aircraft, including major AC-130J modifications, MC-130J RF countermeasures (RFCM), MC-130J airborne mission networking (AbMN), KC-130J Harvest Hawk Plus and other mission system upgrades. IAS performs special mission aircraft upgrades in its expansive production space in Colorado Springs, ...
从2008年起,美军开始着手研制该系列的一种新炮艇机,以形成更精确、致命的打击能力,从KC-130J空中加油机改造而来的“收割鹰”(Harvest Hawk)就是即将替代AC-130的第二代“空中炮艇”。 AC-130谢幕,KC-130J登场 AC-130重型攻击机,又称空中炮艇机,由洛克西德公司以美国空军C-130运输机为基础改进而来的。美国空军...