“The Royals stadium is beautiful and nationally recognized,” Nace says. “So it’s a waste of money. And you’re not gaining anything when you move it from one part of Kansas City to another. In doing so, you’re choosing winners and losers. Thirdly, anyone who knows downtown, knows...
Well it’s not the Royals, but still, the earlier the better. A lot of local businesses have been persuaded to open their parking facilities to the public, and many are. In some cases you will be charged, and in some of those cases the fees raised are going to charity. Grand Marshal...
we've had our downs," Royals pitcher Danny Duffy said. "We know what we need to do to come out of them, it's just about doing exactly that. It's not ideal where we're at right now. It's pretty much the opposite of what we drew up coming into the year. We got...