3. meaning 'occasion' Time is used with the or that and a qualifier to refer to the occasion when something happened or will happen. By the time the waiter brought their coffee, she was almost asleep. Do you remember that time when Adrian phoned up? When time has this meaning, you can...
Added support for downloading compressed node files and banlists Don't show network stats by default since users are confused about their meaning Added size limit for giftd.log (giFT) Automatically add exception for giFT to Windows firewall on install Made uninstaller ask whether to remove incompl...
Imagine you’ve got a second past – meaning you’ve lived another life but not instead of the one you had, but in addition; as if there were two twin sisters who lived for 35 years apart, perhaps in different families and in different countries, but now they’ve become one person –...
AxedKansas City StarcolumnistStevePenn’sdefamation lawsuit against his former employer was “voluntarily dismissed” this morning in Jackson County Court. Without prejudice…meaning Penn can (and apparently will) refile the case as soon as a certain key witness’s mother either passes away or gets...
Six minutes and twenty-seven seconds is the longest Seamus has kept a power-up in a Mario hack without re-loading. SSoHPKC Name Meaning: Until the 14th of July 2014 when Seamus made a video about what his name meant, no one knew what SSoH stood for exept for a select few, those ...
* If you interested in our products and we can fulfill your request , you may pay a visit to ACERETECH Factory.* The meaning of visiting supplier, since seeing is believing, ACERETECH Machinery with own manufacture and developed& research team, we can send you engineers and make sure...
作为一款新生的 AI 对话搜索引擎,Perplexity 其实最早在 2022 年 12 月就发布了,开始是采用 OpenAI 的 GPT-3 大模型作为「动力」,后面随着 ChatGPT 在全球范围的爆火,也将模型升级到了 GPT-3.5 和 GPT-4(付费专享)。此外,Perplexity 在 2023 年做了大量产品层面和模型应用层面的探索和升级,这也是为什么在这...
要说全国哪个地区的米粉最火爆?那非广西柳州螺蛳粉莫属,这些年螺蛳粉火遍大江南北,走在各大城市的街头都可以看到柳州螺蛳粉的身影。 在网络上也很火爆,很多美食大V都纷纷评测螺蛳粉,甚至是直播带货中螺蛳粉也成为了大家喜欢的热门单品。 柳州螺蛳粉以“臭,酸,辣”等口味著称,里面还放入了花生米,酸豆角,酸笋,黑...
Organizations, Schools, etc. (1) Business & Finance (1) Slang, Chat & Pop culture (0) Sort results:alphabetical| rank? Rank Abbr.Meaning KCEIKennecott Canada Exploration Inc KCEIKiboino Community Empowerment Initiative (Kenya) Note: We have 1 other definition forKCEIin our Acronym Attic ...
Slang, Chat & Pop culture (0) Sort results: alphabetical | rank ? Rank Abbr.Meaning AVKC Alytaus Verslo Konsultacinis Centras (Lithuanian: Alytus Business Advisory Mission) AVKC Antelope Valley Kennel Club (est. 1955; Lancaster, CA) new search suggest new definition Abbreviation...