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大国男儿 - Why Goodbye(KBS音乐银行140110)
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The ages are concordant at 1.88±0.02 Myr, and confirm that the KBS Tuff, a key marker bed in the Koobi Fora Formation, northern Kenya, is now very well dated. These results resolve the conflict between earlier 40Ar/39Ar and conventional K–Ar dating measurements on the KBS Tuff.an ...
Stray Kids - Chk Chk Boom(KBS音乐银行24/07/26)猜你喜欢 Stray Kids-Stray Kids-Chk Chk Boom MV(Stray Kids《Chk Chk Boom》MV上线) Stray Kids-Chk Chk Boom+JAM+Stray Kids+Walkin on Water Stray Kids-Chk Chk Boom Stray Kids-Chk Chk Boom Stray Kids-Chk Chk Boom Stray Kids-Chk Chk Boom...
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