App KBS news新闻2024/06/13 Korea韩国天气预报 主持人小姐姐:朴素妍 199 0 01:12 App 2024/06/17 KBS天气预报 Korea天气预报 474 0 01:09 App KBS2024/6/12Korea韩国天气 主持人小姐姐:朴素妍 3609 0 00:21 App 20250304中央电视台-罕见《北京天气预报》 337 0 01:10 App 首尔32度,6月11号的/KB...
KBS is a Korean public broadcaster that provides news programs, documentaries, and more. Headquarters Location 13 Yeouigongwon-ro Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul, 07235, South Korea Suggest an edit Are you an investor? Submit your portfolio details now to be considered in our investor rankings. Submit ...
The KBS NEWS application representing Korea has released a new version. - Enjoy a wealth of content with just one KBS news app and meet various information and enjoyment anytime, anywhere. - Enjoy various YouTube contents such as today's shorts and YouTube live easily through the KBS News ...
KBS news新闻2024/06/13 Korea韩国天气预报 主持人小姐姐:朴素妍 402 1 01:30 App 2024/06/18 KBS韩国Southern Korea南韩天气预报 42 0 01:11 App 天气预报 KBS 2024.06.18. 474 0 01:09 App KBS2024/6/12Korea韩国天气 主持人小姐姐:朴素妍 1.9万 0 00:16 App 今天是天气预报员阿家 197 0 01:17...
因应KBS取得新闻频道地面波播出执照,原仅通过IPTV与OTT途径播出的KBS新闻专门频道——KBS24频道,于2021年7月19日改版更名为KBS NewsD频道,并增加地面波播出途径。受此调整原KBS24频道的海外版本——KBS World24频道于2021年7月1日更名为KBS Korea频道,频道定位调整为面向海外韩国人播出的国际综合频道 信手拈来随意... 新闻链接 sunqing2692 挂肚 11 好棒,男女主角都很喜欢,9月赶紧来吧 eedunst 挂肚 11 为什么都没有照片?看不到啊 空格式心碎 执着 7 WB上是说KBS独幕剧有10部,妹子这部具体几集还不知道。而且这是好几天前的新闻了 当金素恩遇到我 执着 7 不管...
The KBS NEWS application representing Korea has released a new version. - Enjoy a wealth of content with just one KBS news app and meet various information and enjoyment anytime, anywhere. - Enjoy various YouTube contents such as today's shorts and YouTube live easily through the KBS News ...
Full news bulletin of KBS World Radio (in Spanish), with focus on the tragic plane crash in South Korea that killed 179 passengers. Listened in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Click here to view on YouTube. Bonus: Last Kyodo News Morning Edition radiofax of the 2024. Received today in Porto Alegre...
《朝鮮浪漫喜劇–綠豆傳》(韓語:조선로코 - 녹두전),為韓國KBS 2TV於2019年9月30日起播出的月火連續劇,改編自同名人氣網路漫畫,由《三流之路》金東輝導演執導,《雲畫的月光》林藝珍作家與《姜德順愛情變遷史》白素妍作家共同執筆。此劇講述穿上女裝潛入神秘的寡婦村的全綠豆 (張東尹飾),與不想...
Through news and special programs, Han Guang introduced South Korea’s political, economic, social, cultural and other information to listeners and netizens around the world, and made unremitting efforts to bridge the gap between friends all over the world and South Korea. Han Guang is also a ...