Kellogg Brown & Root Tower, Dresser Tower, Kellogg Tower, Type Building Status Completed Completion 1973 Country United States City Houston Address 601 Jefferson Street Function Office Structural Material All-Steel Energy Label LEED Gold Rankings By Location By function By material ...
基本信息 公司名称KBR科技公司英文名称KBR, Inc.注册地美国 成立日期2006-03-21总股数137196219所属行业建筑与工程 董事长-员工总数38000电子邮箱- 主要电话1-713-7532000主要传真-公司网站 注册地详细地址美国特拉华州 主要办公地址601 Jefferson Street Suite 3400 Houston, Texas 77002 ...
Headquartered in Houston, Texas, KBRwyle offers a multitude of career opportunities on some of the world’s largest and most complex projects. As an international company, it offers ongoing development and training opportunities, and touts a supportive and flexible company culture. KBRwyle seeks dedi...
HeadquartersHouston, TX Link KBR website We deliver science, technology and engineering solutions to governments and companies around the world. KBR employs approximately 30,000 people performing diverse, complex and mission-critical roles in 34 countries. We are a company of innovators, thinkers, cre...
Senior Technical Professional (离职员工) - Houston, TX - 2024年1月24日 Great place to work, plenty of room for growth as degreed personnel, but can be hard to move from long project hours to work life balance upon starting family. Great professionalism and transparency for oil and gas indus...
Some outdated office fixtures but there are renovations planned! 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告分享 4.04.0星,满分5星。 Overall a real quality company to work for and would recommend. Senior Technical Professional (离职员工) - Houston, TX - 2024年1月24日 Great place to work, plenty of ro...
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--KBR (NYSE: KBR) today announced that it has been awarded the Mansuriya Full Field Development contract to perform front end engineering and design (FEED) studies and Quality Control Support Services (QCSS) for the Turkish Petroleum Overseas Company (TPOC), a wholly ...
KelloggmoveditsofficestoHouston,Texas HalliburtonmergedwithDresserIndustries, makingKellogg,Brown&Root(KBR) KBRseparatedfromHalliburton andbecameastandalonecompany KBRHistory Confidential VenturesUpstreamDownstreamTechnologyServices Government& Infrastructure KBRisaglobalengineering,constructionandservicescompanysupportingtheene...
HOUSTON, Jan. 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- KBR, Inc. (NYSE: KBR) announced today that its joint venture with SOCAR has been awarded two separate Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) contracts for a new Production, Drilling, Quarters (PDQ) platfo...
1、KBR烯烃技术在煤化工领域的应用2013年4月10日 中国北京2日程KBR公司概览KBR催化制烯烃技术介绍KBR MTO烯烃分离技术介绍讨论上游事业部下游事业部技术事业部服务事业部政府 & 基础设施事业部投资事业部KBR公司概览 KBR 是一家全球领先的工程公司为能源、化工和政府部门提供工程设计、施工和服务。 总部位于Houston, Tex...