Bank on your smartphone where and when you want with KBC Mobile. It's packed with great features that let you transfer funds in real time between your own accounts or to accounts at other banks, view your account balance and transactions and make payments between two smartphones. Other featur...
Get our app free of charge now and go KBC Mobile! See all you can do with it at What’s New 19 Nov 2024 Version 24.10.0 We've added some great new features to KBC Mobile. Be sure to download the latest version!
Get our app free of charge now and go KBC Mobile! See all you can do with it at What’s New 19 Nov 2024 Version 24.10.0 We've added some great new features to KBC Mobile. Be sure to download the latest version!
Get our app free of charge now and go KBC Brussels Mobile! See all you can do with it at What’s New 18 Mar 2025 Version 25.2.0 We've added some great new features to KBC Brussels Mobile. Be sure to download the latest version!
They open a KBC Savings Account, to which they can then easily link a goal, a target amount and a photo of their choice. Savers can track their progress with a savings meter and also share their savings goal with friends and family on Facebook using the KBC Mobile Banking app. KBC...
De kostprijs voor al dat moois, lekkers en leuks : het hele weekend (incl toegang tot het evenement Hesbay Historc Festival met brunch, diner van apero tot koffie – all-in, overnachting, ontbijt, drink en roadbooks) : leden KBC Classic Car club : 395 € per koppel of 255 € ...
I did the online procedure to open a belgian bank account with KBC (this means I sent them my work contract, my rent contract my documents and I filled a really long questionare). After that I receive an email where they tell me that everything is ok and that I can go to my branch...
1 Cliënten: België en de vier kernmarkten in Centraal- en Oost-Europa; bankkantoren: idem, aangevuld met internationale bedrijvenkantoren van de groep. In alle gevallen: zonder maatschappijen die op de balansdatum onder IFRS 5 vielen (Absolut Bank, KBC Banka, NLB, Antwerpse Diamantbank,...
Die kennisgeving(en) bevat(ten) de volgende informatie: Reden van de kennisgeving(en): “acquisition or disposal of the control of an undertaking that holds a participating interest in an issuer” Kennisgeving door: BlackRock Inc. Kennisgevingsplichtige personen: zie bijlage ...
KBC Mobile, which is now being used by 1.3 million customers and has won several awards as best banking app in Belgium and other CE countries. It offers a wide variety of financial services and popular non-financial third-party solutions, some of which are even open to non-KBC customers. ...