不过修复该漏洞需要足够大空间 WinRE 分区,对于分区不够大的设备就会跳出 0x80070643 错误。IT之家此前报道,微软今年 1 月承认该更新存在错误,并撤回了 KB5034441 更新。微软在本月的补丁星期二活动日中,面向 Windows 10 用户再次推送了 KB5034441 更新。德国网友 Hans T. 表示:Windows Update 又向我提供了 ...
complete this update. Because of this, the update for WinRE might fail. Because of an issue in the error code handling routine, you might receive the following error message instead of the expected error message when there is insufficient disk space: 0x80070643 – ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE 意思就...
IT之家 2 月 16 日消息,微软于 2 月 13 日的补丁星期二活动日中,面向 Windows 10 系统重新发布了 KB5034441 更新,但部分用户反馈依然存在 0x80070643 错误。 微软于今年 1 月 9 日发布 KB5034441 更新,主要为了修复追踪编号为 CVE-2024-20666 的漏洞,有物理访问设备权限的黑客利用该漏洞可以绕过 BitLocker ...
微软于 2 月 13 日的补丁星期二活动日中,面向 Windows 10 系统重新发布了 KB5034441 更新,但部分用户反馈依然存在 0x80070643 错误。 微软于今年 1 月 9 日发布 KB5034441 更新,主要为了修复追踪编号为 CVE-2024-20666 的漏洞,有物理访问设备权限的黑客利用该漏洞可以绕过 BitLocker 发起攻击。 不过修复该漏洞需...
The error message may also include “Windows Recovery Environment servicing failed (CBS_E_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE).”To resolve Windows Update error 0x80070643 Microsoft suggests manually resizing the recovery partition to install the WinRE update....
Windows Update 又向我提供了 Microsoft 垃圾 KB5034441。安装结束时出现错误信息:下载错误 0x80070643. 另一位读者反馈在第二次安装 KB5034441 更新之后,显示安装成功,此外也有不少用户反馈已成功安装。 一位用户反馈: 我以为二月更新会解决分区太小的问题?有趣的是,整个更新过程在一台相同的电脑上完全正常,而在另...
Didn't work for me, for months this MS update (KB5034441 fails to install with error code 0x80070643) has been a has been a thorn in the side for billions of owners with Win10.MS should bring out a 1 click fix download, for this instead of asking to re-size ...
微软也提醒说,恢复分区空间不足可能导致在尝试安装 WinRE WIM(Windows 映像格式)更新时出现"0x80070643 - ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE"错误信息。 可以手动通过为恢复分区分配额外的 250 MB 存储空间来解决这个问题。有关如何操作的详细信息,请参阅官方发布的指南文章: ...
Feedback from a long time patcher here: The manner in which this particular update has been handled has been poor in my opinion. The update is only being pushed out to Windows update or Windows upd... Having people "manually" F around with drive partitions is...
https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/windows-10-update-error0x80070643/e6473fa4-f2d4-42c3-b4be-266b43454306 About how to manually resize your partition, please refer to this link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/kb5028997-instructions-to-manually-resize-y...