3.驱动 驱动一般到制造厂商官网上面都有下载,注意选择适合Windows 7 SP1 64位版本的驱动。 4.补丁 微软推出了适用于Windows 7的NVME固态硬盘通用驱动 KB2990941-v3 和 KB3087873-v2 。
Since this hotfix may be too old that perhaps had been superseded by more recent hotfix/patch. Please install the latest updates to make sure your machine up-to-date. Or try the following kb: Note: This is a third-party link and ...
以下链接是官网的 KB Download Link,可直接搜索 kb 1、你先安装 KB4490628,没错这个 KB 是 3 月份的。 2019-03 适用于 x64 系统 Windows 7 的服务堆栈更新 (KB4490628) 2、再安装 KB...
tl**倾城 上传984.76 KB 文件格式 msu KB2731284 x64 windows6.1-kb2990941 kb2990941v3x64 Windows6.1-KB2731284-v3-x64.msu MongoDB win7 所属需要的 从找的,我只要1分。。。微软官网好像已经失效了点... Note: This is a third-party link and we do not have any guarantees on this website. This is just for your convenience. And Microsoft does not make any guarantees about the content. ... 3.驱动 驱动一般到制造厂商官网上面都有下载,注意选择适合Windows 7 SP1 64位版本的驱动。 4.补丁 微软推出了适用于Windows 7的NVME固态硬盘通用驱动 KB2990941-v3 和 KB3087873-v2 。 Note: This is a third-party link and we do not have any guarantees on this website. This is just for your convenience. And Microsoft does not make any guarantees about the content. ...
Since this hotfix may be too old that perhaps had been superseded by more recent hotfix/patch. Please install the latest updates to make sure your machine up-to-date. Or try the following kb: ...