Windows update on Server 2016 is not working for many weeks now!The reason for it is - it fails with error on the KB2267602 and I found no way to bypass it.I tried applying the procedure suggested in "
C:\WINDOWS\system32>Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:32 AM | 1 voteTried what you are suggesting (david hk129). Still no luck. Command line tool gives the same error. I am getting this error on my eight server 2016 installations. Think MS need to get in to this....
When attempting to install KB2267602 using the below PowerShell commands, it states it is installed: Install-WindowsUpdate -Install -AcceptAll -Category 'Critical Updates', 'Security Updates', 'Updates' -NotTitle 'Preview' Get-WindowsUpdate -Install…
Windows update on Server 2016 is not working for many weeks now! The reason for it is - it fails with error on the KB2267602 and I found no way to bypass it. I tried applying the procedure suggested in "
Windows Windows Server 2016 General Index .\VPN_Profile.ps1 Unable to get user SID. User may be logged on over Remote Desktop: A constructor was not found. Cannot find an appropriate constructor for type System.Security.Principal.NTAccount. .net 3.5 Removal .net 4.8 install failure "Getting...