A 191-kb human bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) containing the human alpha-globin genomic locus was used to generate transgenic mice that express, exclusively, human alpha-globin ((hu)alpha-globin). Expression of (hu)alpha-globin reaches a level of 36% of that of endogenous mouse alpha-...
A 191-kb human bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) containing the human alpha-globin genomic locus was used to generate transgenic mice that express, exclusively, human alpha-globin ((hu)alpha-globin). Expression of (hu)alpha-globin reaches a level of 36% of that of endogenous mouse alpha-...
Al-Hasani K, Vadolas J, Voullaire L, Williamson R, Ioannou PA (2004) Complementation of alpha-thalassaemia in alpha-globin knockout mice with a 191 kb transgene containing the human alpha-globin locus. Transgenic Res 13:235–243 View Article...
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