If we need the correct divisors of 1024, please try the formula: =IF(A1>1024*1024*1024,TRUNC(A1/1024/1024/1024,2)&" GB", IF(A1>1024*1024, ROUND(A1/1024/1024,0)&" MB", ROUND(A1/1024,0)&" KB")) Or try the VBA code: prettyprint Function ConvertByte(ByVal Value As Range) ...
When you rename a measure by using the measure editing dialog box of Excel in a PowerPivot table, the measure is broken, and Excel 2016 may crash. Measure Editor displays red lines (an error state) for a pasted formula even when the formula is correct. When you update a Proje...
Behebt ein Problem, bei dem Sie keine neuen Formulare für Websites mit dem Vorlagentyp CMSPUBLISHING veröffentlichen können. Behebt ein Problem, bei dem das Löschen von mehreren Zeilen nicht wie erwartet funktioniert, wenn Sie eine Liste in der Rasteransicht bearbeiten. Behebt ein Pro...
Convert Bytes to KB, MB, GB, and TB size numbers Scanned Image Size Large photo images consume much memory and can make our computers struggle. Uploads can be very slow. Memory cost for an image is computed from the image size. Our common 24-bit RGB image size is three bytes per ...
The formula seems slightly wrong to me. The page size is 8192 bytes, but not all is data, but there is some internal overhead for page pointers etc. Looking in Kalen Deleany's book, it seems that you cannot have more than 8040 bytes on a page, so you should replace 8192.0...
某计算机字长为16位,主存地址空间大小为128KB,按字编址,采用等字长指令格式,指令名字段定义如下:(2010年原题、第四章:指令系统)转移指令采用相对寻址方式,相对偏移是用补码表示,寻址方式定义如下:表示有储蓄地址X或寄存器X的内容,请回答下列问题:( )A.正确B.错误的答案是什
A deleted PivotTable is still displayed in Excel 2016. Excel 2016 hangs or crashes after you undo for removing a PivotTable and deleting the worksheet. The Native Measure Editor doesn't correctly handle the semicolon argument separator in a formula. The Windows Azure Marketplace datasetis still...
When you copy and paste a formula that contains an absolute reference from one sheet to another sheet by using the Transpose paste option in Excel 2010, the absolute reference is converted to a relative address unexpecte...
at Microsoft.Reporting.AdHoc.DataStructureManagement.Filtering.Internal.FilterValueQueryFactory.CreateFilterValuesQuery[TFilterMode](TFilterMode filterMode, Int32 maxRowCount, FormulaFilterCondition availableValueFilter, FormulaF...