KB202 巴羅 (PBH) - 新德里 (DEL) 高麗航空 KB 202 Drukair 航班狀態:計劃 出發 到達 在46天內 在46天內 11:55 13:45 2月1日星期六 2月1日星期六 航站樓 3 巴羅(PBH) 新德里 (DEL) 不丹 印度 飛行時間:2小時20分鐘 Airbus A319 計劃時間 ...
Top routeKathmandu to Paro Airports served14 Top airportParo Flight status, cancellation and delay data provided by Flightstats.com. Flightstats data may not always be accurate or error free. Always confirm the information provided here directly with your airline....
实时航班跟踪 (N8628A) 航班✈ N8628A 2024年 10月 01日 (KOAK-KBNA) 时间和时区 All times are in EDT time to prevent confusion due to time zone crossing. See the N8628A flight status page for this flight to view local times or setup timezone preferences in your user account.Altitude...
202,112 2022년 6월 13일 오후 12:46 Microsoft.ceres.evaluation.services.dll Microsoft.ceres.evaluation.services.dll 16.0.14931.20494 51,072 2022년 6월 13일 오후 12:46 Microsoft.ceres.external.contentapi.dll Microsoft...
202,617 11 יול-2022 22:34 Sts_spclientnewuxb200a6283a80b8a6b4ee220419563723 Sts_spclientnewuxb200a6283a80b8a6b4ee220419563723 Not applicable 30,975 11 יול-2022 22:34 Sts_spclientnewuxb3342cfbf53938dec6f...
安装KB4517389 (OS Build 18362.418) 后频繁崩溃,新版旧版(foobox-都安装试了一下结果一样。是不是要卸载 KB4517389 ? AppCrash_foobar2000.exe_2fdaa03e451626b6ac3f87e12b125e9cfadda5a_0127e983_d2e15b65-a03d-4007-8c38-4fae3620e8d3 Version=1 EventType=AP
See the SWA3514 flight status page for this flight to view local times or setup timezone preferences in your user account.Altitude = 0000 m Speed = 000 km/h 14:20PM 14:30PM 14:40PM 14:50PM 15:00PM 15:10PM 15:20PM 15:30PM 15:40PM 0 m 5000 m 10000 m 15000 m 0 km/h ...
星期四 19:28:43 33.3874 -86.8612 ← 296° 232 430 937 -202 FlightAware ADS-B 星期四 19:29:00 33.3996 -86.8751 ↖330° 218 404 922 -41 FlightAware ADS-B (KEKY) 星期四 19:29:16 33.4128 -86.8826 ↑ 346° 207 383 914 -13 FlightAware ADS-B (KTCL) 星期四 19:29:36 33.4311 -...
202,617 11-Jul-2022 22:34 Sts_spclientnewuxb200a6283a80b8a6b4ee220419563723 Sts_spclientnewuxb200a6283a80b8a6b4ee220419563723 غير قابل للتطبيق 30,975 11-Jul-2022 22:34 Sts_spclientnewuxb334...
202,112 13-jun-2022 12:46 Microsoft.ceres.evaluation.services.dll Microsoft.ceres.evaluation.services.dll 16.0.14931.20494 51,072 13-jun-2022 12:46 Microsoft.ceres.external.contentapi.dll Microsoft.ceres.external.contentapi.dll 1...