All plugins updated August 23, 2024!Login to download updates Currency USD $ MHB Green $49.99 USDRegular price$79.99 USD 4.9 Avalon VT-747SP $69.99 USDRegular price$97.00 USD 4.9 True Iron $39.99 USDRegular price$59.99 USD 4.9 KClip 3 ...
Matthew J. Powerful and simple Multi-band clipping can be intimidating, but KClip 3 makes it as simple as possible. Most clippers bog you down with options and setting but Kclip has just a few controls to get great results. Nice job!
must have I use True Iron on every track - it is one of my most used plugins. 01/30/2025 RobJ On all my tracks I've had True Iron on all my sessions, all my tracks...including the Mix Bus from day one...which was several years ago. And THERE it will stay. True Iron just...
KClip Zero支持64位的Windows和MacOS系统,插件格式为VST、VST3、AU和AAX。 免费下载:
All Kazrog plugins are Universal Binary 2 (native support for both Apple Silicon and Intel architecture.) Windows Windows 10 or higher strongly recommended VST or AAX (64 bit) compatible host required Pro Tools 12 or higher required for AAX version ...
KClip Zero支持64位的Windows和MacOS系统,插件格式为VST、VST3、AU和AAX。 免费下载: Kazrog 相关产品 Kazrog KClip Zero Kazrog KClip Zero Kazrog KClip Zero Kazrog KClip Zero Kazrog KClip Zero Kazrog KClip Zero...
All Kazrog plugins are Universal Binary 2 (native support for both Apple Silicon and Intel architecture.) Windows Windows 10 or higher strongly recommended VST or AAX (64 bit) compatible host required Pro Tools 12 or higher required for AAX version ...
DMG Audio All_Plugins Compassion v1.29 Dualism v1.29 Equality v1.43 Equick v1.26&nb... 2024-06-22免费 免费 效果器 NoiseAsh - Palmary Collection SpeakerSim / VOCAL FINALIZER / FROZENVERB / DEVASTATOR / ACTION DELAY / STE... 2024-05-15免费 免费 效果器 TDR_Molotok 2024-05-08免费 ...
软件格式:VST, VST3, AAX, AU WIN.OSX x64 厂家: 大小: 298.2 MB Avalon VT-747SP 将 A 类电子管/分立式光压缩器与六频段音乐节目均衡器以及输出电平测量和增益降低... ♬ ♯ ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭♬ ♯ ♩ ♪ ♫ ♭♬ ♯ ♩ ♪ 广告:NORD 官方旗舰店 京东搜索:NORD乐器旗舰店 广告:真力经济适用型杜比全景声 广告:羚羊特惠返回搜狐,查看更多...