Original Title:ВыезжалимызаМлаву artist:Kazimir Malevich Date:1914 Style:Naïve Art (Primitivism) Genre:poster收藏 点赞0 作品名称:卡西米尔·马列维奇(Kazimir Malevich)高清作品:We went out of Mlawa 作品链接:https://www.mei-shu.com/famous/26306/artistic-167017.html 作品类别...
作品名:魔鬼在锯罪人 原名:那件事是一个罪人。 艺术家:卡西米尔·马列维奇 年代:1914 风格:素人艺术(原始主义) 类型:海报 Title:Devils are sawing sinner Original Title:Чертипилятгрешницу artist:Kazimir Malevich Date:1914 Style:Naïve Art (Primitivism) Genre:poster收藏...
squares and rectangles. This style became known as Suprematism, referring to supremacy of "pure artistic feeling" over all other considerations. Malevich hoped to create art that was completely devoid of references to objects. In the first Suprematist paintings he presented geometric forms in a limit...
Kazimir Malevich• 绘画, 1916, 79.5×70.5 厘米 View in interiorNEW 到精选中 20 关于作品 艺术类型:绘画 风格:至上主义 技法:油 资料:画布 创造日期: 1916 大小: 79.5×70.5 厘米 地区:Saint Petersburg, Russia 所在地:俄罗斯国家博物馆, Saint Petersburg ...
To art lovers 关于项目 常见问题 加入Arthive 广告 Language: 汉语 Kazimir Malevich• 绘画, 1929, 79.5×79.5 厘米 View in interiorNEW 到精选中 7 关于作品 艺术类型:绘画 风格:至上主义 技法:油 资料:画布 创造日期: 1929 大小: 79.5×79.5 厘米 ...
卡济.马列维奇Kazimir Malevich(1878年2月23日——1935年5月15日),俄罗斯画家。卡济马列维奇出生卡齐米Malewicz到波兰家庭,谁附近定居基辅在基辅省的的俄罗斯帝国的过程中瓜分波兰。他的父母,Ludwika和Seweryn Malewicz,是罗马天主教最喜欢的种族波兰人,虽然他的父亲
THE ART WORLD: Kazimir Malevich and UkraineMudrak, Myroslava
After completing his formal education, Malevich became involved in the Russian avant-garde art scene. He was associated with the Cubo-Futurist movement and participated in exhibitions with other avant-garde artists. He also began to develop his own unique style that would later lead to the creatio...
art—the first Russian Art Show, including work by Malevich—was on view at the Stedelijk Museum; the Stedelijk was the first museum to present Malevich’s Suprematism outside of Russia. In addition, Kazimir Malevich and the Russian Avant-Garde is the artistic culmination of 2013...
Which Is the Most Influential Work of Art of the Last 100 Years? A. Black Square by Kazimir Malevich; B. 'One (Number 31) ' by Jackson Pollack; C. 'Fountain' by Marcel Duchamp; D. 'Campbell's Soup Can' by Andy Warhol; E. 'Les Demoiselles D'Avignon' by Pablo Picasso...