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Kay Jewelers支持的支付方式: 支持双币信用卡 Kay Jewelers介绍:Kay Jewelers是一个全球知名的珠宝首饰品牌,隶属于Signet Jewelers,拥有专业的销售团队。主要商品包括:结婚订婚饰品,宝石系列,金银首饰,手表等。 Kay Jewelers优惠码的几点说明 (一)10% Off :优惠10%,也就是9折。 20% Off:8折,以此类推 (二)25...
Fill out the form below to request your Kay Jewelers Gold Exchange packet. Upon submission, you should receive your Gold Packet via USPS within 5 to 7 business days.Your Gold Packet will have everything you need to send in your gold to Kay Jewelers Gold Exchange. Also included is the ...