Two years after the successful introduction of the ZR7 came the ZR7S. Pushed two years after the introduction of the ZR-7 After the Kawasaki ZR-7S. Both the ZR7F and ZR7S were the same as each other mechancially but offered new harder springs and firmer damping. The half cowling gave...
ZR7S 750 - ทั้งหมด 2001-2005 Z440 440 - ทั้งหมด 1980-1984 KZ1000P ตํารวจ 1000 - ทั้งหมด 2002-2005 KZ700 700 - ทั้งหมด 1984 ZR7 750 - ทั้งหมด 1999-2003 KZ550H GP 550...