high quality motorcycle Brake Pad Motorbike Parts For Kawasaki KLX 125 D-Tracker KX 150 KLX150 Item name motorcycle brake PADS models KLX150 other parts Cylinder kit, cylinder head, camshaft, crankshaft , valve , brake disc, brake pad and ...
REASONS TO BUY:✨ Crankshaft rebuild kit: the crankshaft rebuild kit is specifically designed for a single piston, which greatly reduces the weight of the crank and improves the efficiency of your riding. ✨ Kawasaki kx 125 engine: the kawasaki connecting rods and crankshaft parts are ...
• Lightweight piston, piston pin and connecting rod allow power-producing revs without excessive vibration. • A gear-driven engine balancer ensures smooth power delivery throughout the powerband, delivering greater rider comfort on long rides. • High-capacity Denso radiators similar to the K...
The 2021 KX 85 motorcycle defines a “big bike in a small package” and has been strategically developed to meet the standards of youth racers searching for the upper hand over the competition. Embedded with the performance and winning technology of the KX lineup, the KX85 relies on its ins...
Sensor Full Gasket Kit Head Gasket Cylinder Head Engine Bearing Engine Valves Water Pump Oil Pump Crankshaft Connecting Rod Shut Off Solenoid Glow Plug Starter Motor Fuel Pump Diesel Pump Why you choose us? 1.Longer durability life. 2.Grind Piston di...
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Brake Caliper Piston Removal Tool Remove seized pistons without damaging them. MC35-1086 1412475590 US$28.00 28.00 Add Brake Hose 3/8" Crush Washers Package of 10 08-0258 1354808752 US$7.00 7.00 Add Breather Filter - Black Rubber End Universal Crankcase Breather MC15-0681 1425147266...
Konfigurasi mesinnya masih identik dengan varian D-trakcer maupun KLX150 series. Berkubikasi 144 cc, SOHC, pendingin udara, dan berpengabut karburator. Di atas kertas mampu menghasilkan tenaga maksimal 11,8 Hp di 8.000 rpm dan torsi puncak 11,3 Nm di kitiran 6.500 rpm. Seluruh output ...