在众多摩托车品牌中,Kawasaki的名字犹如黄金般闪耀,它的产品从小型越野车到大型公路巡逻车无一不是精工细做。而今天,我们将一同探索一款Kawasaki的旗舰产品——1400GTR(Concours 14 ABS),这是一款融合了豪华与高性能的旅行巡逻车。1400GTR的心脏——一颗精良的引擎,是一个液冷、四冲程、DOHC、四缸的1372cc巨兽...
而且,Kawasaki的售后服务也一直被业界和消费者认可。 总的来说,如果你是一个对驾驶性能有高要求,愿意为此投入更多资金,并且具有一定的驾驶技术和经验的摩托车爱好者,那么Kawasaki 1400GTR(Concours 14 ABS)绝对是你的理想之选。
one is that it eliminates windblast that would normally prop me up while riding in a “sporty” position. Seating is mostly upright but there is very modest lean that oh-so-slightly puts weight onto
Kawasaki Concours 14The article evaluates the Concours 14 motorcyle from Kawasaki Motors Corp.Cycle World
Kawasaki Concours 14 Registry The GTR14 Registry (one of a bunch of Registries at micapeak.com) is a resource for owners of, and motorcyclists interested in, the Kawasaki Concours 14 Transcontintal Touring bikes. It contains information about mileage, accessories, modifications, problems & fixes,...
KAWASAKI Concours 14 (1400GTR) ABS 2012-2013 engine specs Type: 4-stroke, inline four with WT (Variable Valve Timing) Displacement: 1352 cm3 Bore X Stroke: 3.3x2.4 in OR 84 mm Compression Ratio: 10:7:1 Horsepower: 115 KW @ 8800 RPM156 HP @ 8800 RPM Torque: 103 lb-ft @ 6200 ...
* KTRC adds no weight, since it uses the existing ECU and ABS sensors New 2nd Generation K-ACT ABS (Concours 14 ABS only) * 2nd Generation K-ACT (Kawasaki Advanced Coactive-braking Technology) ABS links front and rear brakes for most effective front-rear brake force distribution ...
汗血宝马——2008 Kawasaki Concours 14 来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 141 作者: 马德松 摘要: 汉武帝元鼎四年(公元前113年)秋,一位名叫"暴利长"的敦煌囚徒捕得一匹汗血宝马献给汉武帝.汉武帝心喜若狂.作《天马歌》以咏之.汗血宝马产自大宛,据《汉书》记载:大宛国贰师城附近有一座高山,山上...
2015款Kawasaki Concours14 ABS 旅行车,本视频由寰泰MOTORBIKE提供,39次播放,有0人点赞,0人对此视频发表评论,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台