First, choose one of our free, printable calendars. Some are for specific months, or you can get one to cover the whole year. Some are a bit more plain. You may want to start with one of these, and then use our cute coloring pages to decorate. You can get the kids involved as ...
How will you color in this happy dancing printable? The two cats in this kawaii coloring sheet are enjoying a lovely day outside! One is sipping from a juice box while the other looks like it’s telling a story. Once you color in this background, you could draw in some colorful butter...
Current & future: I am in the process of moving country. I plan to have a craft room and developsome patterns for kawaii DIY projectsto share with like-minded people when I and my husband settles down. The pandemic, political unease, interrupted global supply chain, etc made me rethink my...
Leafy Plant Cute Coloring Page Cute "You Are Llamazing" Printable Coloring SheetKawaii Mouse Cupcake Coloring Sheet Happy Plant Kawaii Coloring SheetPrickly Bear Cactus Kawaii Picture to Color Funny Cats Collection (Grumpy, Bored, Cheeky, Happy)Cute Unicorn Popsicle Picture to Color In Cute Bunny ...