Kawai K3 #2604xxx售價:$26,800 商品編號:A0042 Serial # / 年份: #2604xxx / 2009年出產 尺寸: 121 x 59 x 150cm 產地: 日本 附送: 基本搬運 / 調音 / 琴套 / 櫈套 / 琴櫈 所在位置: 筲箕灣售賣點Kawai主力系列新K系,K3為現時Kawai最暢銷型號,有証書。
The second time around I’m equally impressed with the K3, and after watching quietly as the K3 scooped up most of the industry awards available to it over the last 5 or so years, it’s easy to understand why. My instant impressions this time are: I’m playing a bigger piano than ...
2006New range of 'K' series upright pianos launched. Capital increased 6,600 million yen. Expansion of primary factory and acquisition of additional secondary factory at PT Kawai Indonesia. 2007Kawai celebrate '80 Years of Advancement'. PT. Kawai Indonesia No.3 digital piano facility established,...
00:00 3 #钢琴 #piano #钢琴选购 #kawai钢琴 #卡瓦依钢琴 KAWAI K500 KAWAI钢琴K系列是可媲美三角钢琴专业表现力的立式钢琴不仅保留了原声钢琴的原始魅力并从中焕然新生进一步提升了音色的纯度和触键的真实感自问世以来,K系列就畅销全球成为各国钢琴爱好者的首选受到了国内外专业人士的一致肯定 KAWAI K500 琴键数:...