Do travelers pay for managed lane travel as they claimed they would? A before-after study of Houston Katy Freeway travelers. Journal of the Transportation Research Board, TRR # 2297, p. 56-65.Devarasetty, P., Burris, M., Shaw, W.D.: Do travelers pay for managed lane travel as they...
Directions: From I-10 West (Katy Freeway), Exit Onto Fry Road And Head North. Continue On Fry Road And Turn Left Onto Morton Ranch Road. From Morton Ranch Road, Turn Into The Subdivision And Onto Goss Hollow Lane. Follow To 20114, Which Will Be On Your Right. Tax Year: 2023 Source...
The report documents the data collected in March 1985 before carpool utilization of the authorized vehicle lane, Katy Freeway, I-10.Christiansen, D. L.Texas Transportation Inst.McCasland, W. RChristiansen, D.l. and W.R. McCasland, The Impacts of Carpool Utiliza- tion on the Katy Free...
The report documents the data collected in April through June 1986, one year after carpool utilization of the authorized vehicle lane (AVL) was permitted. Comprehensive traffic data, both on the AVL and the freeway, were collected. In addition, surveys of transit users on the AVL, vanpool ...
A Before-After Study of Travelers on Katy Freeway, Houston, Texas. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2297), 56-65.Devarasetty, P., Burris, M., & Shaw, W. D. (2012b). Do travelers pay for managed lane travel as they claimed they would? A...