与此同时,在18岁的伊姆·汤吉在周日的《美国偶像》总决赛中大获全胜后,佩里在Instagram上发布了一张她穿着这条裙子的性感照片,并配文:“橙色,你很高兴这是一个伟大的#偶像大结局?” 包括Perry交往四年的未婚夫、演员奥兰多·布鲁姆在内的几位粉丝“咆哮”了他们对这位女歌手的爱。(46岁的布鲁姆甚至发布了桃子和...
When it comes to what makes a good judge, Perry said honesty is the best quality. “I want a truth teller,” she noted. “I want someone that is not afraid to tell the truth in a graceful way.” Related:Katy Perry’s ‘American Idol’ Ups and Downs: Disney Night Wipeout, Mom-Sha...
Katy Perry in ABC’s “American Idol” Art Streiber/Disney Katy Perry is on her way out of American Idol, with season 22 being her last before another musical sensation steps in to take over her role as a judge alongside Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan. Related And in an in...
Katy Perry is being called out by 'American Idol' contestant Sara Beth Liebe for a "mom shaming" joke during her audition.
After Katy Perry was accused of “mom-shaming” a performer and was hit with a “bully” backlash, a contestant on the just-ended season of American Idol has spoken out in support of the pop superstar amid rumor she might be leaving the show. Oliver Steele, who reached the Top 8, defe...
Katy Perry made the unexpected announcement on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last night that season 22 of American Idol will be her last. "This fall, in September, I'm going to be doing this huge music festival in Brazil called Rock in Rio, it's really exciting," the musician began during her co...
Get the latest news about Katy Perry. Find exclusive interviews, video clips, photos and more on Entertainment Tonight.
PASADENA, Calif. –Katy Perry thinks “American Idol” churns out stars and other talent competition shows, frankly, don’t. Perry made the comment about the other shows while speaking to reporters following a presentation for the upcoming “Idol” revival at the Television...
'AMERICAN IDOL' JUDGES KATY PERRY, LIONEL RICHIE AND LUKE BRYAN SHARE EACH OTHER'S ANNOYING HABITS "I’m going to miss the storytelling, the inspiring backgrounds of all of these kids, you know, the struggle that they go through, the hope that they find," she said. ...
’" Perry announced at the time. "I mean, I love ‘Idol’ so much… It’s connected me with the heart of America, but I feel like I need to go out and feel that pulse to my own beat," she added as she winked at the host....