“YUMI KATSURA 60th Anniversary"Brilliant Future -次の章へ-"” 2月20日(木)-24日(月・祝)に表参道ヒルズにてYUMI KATSURA 60th特別展”Brilliant Future -次の章へ-“特別展開催中。特別展開催への想いやダイジェスト、スペシャル映像を収録した動画を公開中です。
翻译 Katsura 释义 桂离宫(Katsura Rikyu,位于日本) 实用场景例句 全部 Katsuraescaped, but the boy is stiII within our grasp. 虽然给桂逃了但拔刀齐还在我的掌握之中? 电影对白 Katsuraalso figured in other ancient literature. 桂也占有其他古代文学. ...
Define katsura. katsura synonyms, katsura pronunciation, katsura translation, English dictionary definition of katsura. n either of two trees of the genus Cercidiphyllum native to China and Japan Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12t
【かつら】【katsura】◎ 【名词】1. 日本莲香树R,桂。(カツラ科の落叶高木。高さ约30メートル。树皮は灰色で,叶は卵心形。雌雄异株。春,叶に先立って红色を帯びた细花を房状につける。果実は円柱形の袋果。材は軽く软らかく加工が容易で,家具・雕刻・器具用になる。
The meaning of KATSURA TREE is a deciduous tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum of the family Cercidiphyllaceae) of Japan and China sometimes grown as an ornamental for its dark blue-green ovate leaves which turn bright yellow or red in autumn —called also ka
Define Katsura (tree). Katsura (tree) synonyms, Katsura (tree) pronunciation, Katsura (tree) translation, English dictionary definition of Katsura (tree). Noun 1. Cercidiphyllaceae - one genus family Cercidiphyllaceae magnoliid dicot family - family of d
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日本Katsura公司, 大的优势在于它拥有“技术和经验”,能够提供“天然气安全和环境”的所有解决方案。改善我们自成立以来培养的优势,我们不断追求创新创新,为所有集团员工创造和有效利用天然气作为“GAS价值创新”。为了进 步提高天然气能源的价值,我们将通过创造新的解