要是今敏还活... (展开) 1 0回应 > 更多乐评 1篇 "KATSUHIRO OTOMO presents MEMORIES original motion picture soundtrac..."的论坛 ··· 第一个在"KATSUHIRO OTOMO presents MEMORIES original motion picture soundtrack"的论坛里发言 以下豆列...
Otomo's character designs and Rintaro's storyboards are collected in the theater brochure that was sold today at the venue. Also available for purchase was the upcoming Japanese edition of Rintaro's first ever manga:1-BYŌ 24 KOMA NO BOKU NO JISEI (秒24コマのぼくの人生)that collects his...
AKIRA (Part 6)85 9.6 1993作者 ヘンゼルとグレーテル63 8.1 1981作者 THE MEMORY OF MEMORIES62 9.5 1996作者 ショート・ピース59 8.1 1986作者 Katsuhiro Otomo: Memorias39 8.8 1990作者 彼女の想いで…36 9.0 1990作者 <前页123后页>(共61条)...
大友克洋(Katsuhiro Otomo) ,日本动画制作人、漫画家。1954年4月14日出生于日本宫城县登米市迫町,漫画作品以精细的画面和巧妙的剧情铺陈在业界受到好评。1983年作品《童梦》获第4届日本SF大赏,成为第一位获此殊荣的漫画家。其代表作品有《童梦》、《阿基拉》、《回忆三部曲》等。 日文简介 1954- 昭和後期-平成時...
喜欢读"OTOMO KATSUHIRO ARTWORK KABA"的人也喜欢的电子书 ··· 支持Web、iPhone、iPad、Android 阅读器 冬泳记 | 第1话 0.99元 大都会幻想故事二则 0.99元 赤颜犬舍漫画 2.99元 喜欢读"OTOMO KATSUHIRO ARTWORK KABA"的人也喜欢 ··· THE MEMORY OF MEMORIES 9.5 OTOMO KATSUHIRO ARTWORK K......
1995 - MEMORIES, an anthology film consisting of three experimental animated shorts, premiered in Japan. Each segment of the film was based on a manga short by Otomo, who himself directed the third segment CANNON FODDER. The title of the film comes from the original title of the manga the...
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Check out some images from the gallery and scroll down to the bottom for the latest trailer. Folks familiar with Otomo-san’s work will recognize “Farewell To Weapons” (Buki Yo Saraba) as one of the short stories found in hisMemories manga. Character design for this short is handled by...
“Who isKatsuhiro Otomo– 大友克洋 新解説 ” was a special supplement that came bundled with the January 2007 issue ofBrutus, a Japanese pop culture magazine. Back then the life action version ofMushishi蟲師 ( directed by Otomo ) had just hit theatres and he was the talk of the town for...