Katsuhiro Ôtomo is a Japanese manga artist, screenwriter and film director. He is best known as the creator of the manga Akira and its animated film adaptation.In 1979, after writing multiple short-stories for the magazine Action, Otomo created his first science-fiction work, titled Fireball...
Apart from his manga and film and illustration works, Katsuhiro Otomo is also known for his deep knowledge of manga as he showed in his promotional illustration for the first period of theOTOMO KATSUHIRO COMPLETE WORKScollection which Kodansha began to publish in 2022. This exhibition focuses on ...
起草美国着色师史蒂夫·奥利夫(Steve Oliff)来为Akira Manga的西方改版着色的主要原因之一,仅仅是因为Otomo Katsuhiro Otomo忙于其他事情……Akira的电影。 上世纪80年代末,大友克洋(Katsuhiro Otomo)被要求将他的漫画制作成长篇电影。 Katsuhiro同意了,但是附带条件是他可以保持对该项目的完全创意控制权,甚至可以指导它。...
First announced at the Anime Expo 2019,Katsuhiro Otomo “Complete Works”is a full collection of the famedAkiramanga artist’s comic works since his debut piece A Gun Report, published in 1973. News about this massive collection has been sparse, right until the Japanese publisher Kodansha release...
I'm not ashamed to say I mostly know of Otomo from theAkiramanga and anime, but when I first walk into the gallery I get a sense of just how prolific the artist is. The middle of the main room is filled with original manga illustrations with a wide variety of themes and styles rangi...
(below) The manga comes with a poster and postcard. As I mentioned in my review for the originalKibun Wa Mou Senso manga, the war genre probably isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but Otomo’s art work is gorgeous as always, with plenty of detail in every drawing to marvel at. These...
पति/पत्नी Yoko? - present (2 बच्चे) पेरेंट Shohei Otomo अन्य काम Author of the manga 'A Gun Report' प्रचार लिस्टिंग 1 लेख ...
1993-II-22 | 20 pages | B&W Written by Katsuhiro Otomo (大友 克洋) Illustrated by Takumi Nagayasu (ながやす功) Collected in the books: THE LEGEND OF MOTHER SARAH Part 2 -Tenshi no machi- Episode 1 (沙流羅 第3話「 天使の街」 第1回) ...
Katsuhiro Otomo’s DomuO网页链接 The chilling 1983 manga “Domu, a child’s dream” O网页链接 , by Katsuhiro Otomo O网页链接 of Akira‘s fame O网页链接 , revolves around a child and an old man conducting telekinetic battle through a large apartment building.While classic Akira explored child...
Otomo has divided his time since between further manga and both animated and live-action films. His devoted fans, however, are still waiting for further stories set in the world of "Akira," for they believe that nobody draws the Apocalypse better than Otomo....