1、Ropeby Katherine Anne PorterOn the third day after they moved to the country he came walking back from the village carrying a basket of groceries and a twenty-four-yard coil of rope. She came out to meet him, wiping her hands on her green smock. Her hair was tumbled, her nose ...
Lesson 3 Rope《绳》by Katherine Anne Porter她说什么也不会让架子的顶层乱糟糟地塞上许多绳她在城里的那套公寓房间里只得忍受到处乱塞东西那她是有思想准备的嘛这儿至少有的是地方她打算把东西摆的整整齐齐 Rope by Katherine Anne Porter On the third day after they moved to the country he came ...
她的角色展现了在婚姻中寻求平等和理解的斗争,以及在面对日常挑战时对情感支持的迫切需要。 丈夫认为自己承担了压力:他在外工作,承受着养家糊口压力,家庭经济收入大部分来源于他,他认为这种压力可能不易被看到且重大的,妻子却认为他更多的是顾着自己享乐,把她一个人扔在乡下。他觉得妻子很不理解人。 他认同自己的...
by Katherine Anne Porter On the third day after they moved to the country he came walking back from the village carrying a basket of groceries and a twenty-four-yard coil of rope. She came out to meet him, wiping her hands on her greensmock. Her hair was tumbled, her nose was scarlet...
文本内容: RopebyKatherineAnnePorterOnthethirddayaftertheymovedtothecountryhecamewalkingbackfromthevillagecarryingabasketofgroceriesandatwenty-four-yardcoilofrope.Shecameouttomeethimwipingherhandsonhergreensmock.Herhairwastumbledhernosewasscarletwithsunburn;hetoldherthatalreadyshelookedlikeaborncountrywoman.Hisgray...
Lesson Rope《绳》by Katherine Anne Porter.doc,Rope by Katherine Anne Porter On the third day after they moved to the country he came walking back from the village carrying a basket of groceries and a twenty-four-yard coil of rope. She came out to meet h
这种读过一位作者的作品之后就接二连三会邂逅TA的其它作品的感觉,十分微妙,让人着迷。 最近听说《凯瑟琳·安·波特中短篇小说全集》的出版消息,感觉太棒了👏👏👏,是时候系统地来读一读她的作品了。 回想起大学时代在精读课本上读过她的 “Rope”,那时候期末考试还考了这篇小说。(没找到当年的课本,这本是...
Lesson3Rope 《绳》by KatherineAnne Porter 2 Rope byKatherineAnnePorter Onthethirddayaftertheymovedtothe countryhecamewalkingbackfromthe villagecarryingabasketofgroceries andatwenty-four-yardcoilofrope.She cameouttomeethim,wipingherhandson hergreensmock.Herhairwastumbled, ...
JAVA工程师,擅长软件开发,软件测试等。 下载此文档 更多相关文档 Rope-By-Katherine-Anne-Porter 星级: 17 页 Rope-By-Katherine-Anne-Porter 下载积分: 800 内容提示: 文档格式:PPTX | 页数:17 | 浏览次数:743 | 上传日期:2018-06-26 15:46:37 | 文档星级: 阅读...