Kath & Kim Kath & Kimis an iconic Australian television series with worldwide popularity. Created by comedians Jane Turner and Gina Riley, the show spanned four seasons, raking in viewers, winning awards, and breaking multiple ratings records along the way. A television movie and full-length ...
Kath & Kim: Created by Gina Riley, Jane Turner. With Jane Turner, Gina Riley, Glenn Robbins, Peter Rowsthorn. A mother, her daughter, and their respective "hunks of spunk" negotiate life in suburban Australia.
Issues such as the gender, class and taste politics of the comedy are explored in an attempt to rationalise the author's own ambivalent reactions to the show. Particular attention is paid to a number of shopping scenes in which Kath and Kim's failed suburban aesthetic becomes the source of ...
《凯斯和吉姆 第一季 Kath & Kim Season 1》于2002上映。是由Ted Emery执导, 由Jane Turner, Gina Riley担任主编, 演员Jane Turner, Gina Riley, Magda Szubanski等主演的《凯斯和吉姆 第一季 Kath & Kim Season 1》是一部喜剧类型电影。 Kath & Kim are suburban nightmares living the suburban dream. Kath...