Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Well, that secret didn’t take long to come out. Kate (Chrissy Metz) broke down after discovering that Toby (Chris Sullivan) kept his weight loss from her during the Tuesday, October 8, episode of This Is Us, titled “Unhinged.” Chr...
We got anothermajor clue to Jack’s deathon Tuesday'sThis Is Us-- and it’s going to stress you out. The mystery surroundinghow the Pearson patriarch diedhas been an ongoing question since early in the season, but on Tuesday’s episode, titled “What Now?,” the picture ...
这段发言让我想到了this is us里的kate试音迟到 唱了两句之后导演叫停 她不服 对导演说 I won’t allow you to give this gig to a lesser singer just because she’s a size two 导演让那个歌手清唱了两句 比kate好 导演说 I don’t care what dress size you wear.you are not good enough ,...
从美剧《This is us》中的Kate学习接纳自我 我想也许有一天,你会变成像我这样的老人,并向一位年轻人娓娓道来,你是如何将生活带给你柠檬般的酸楚,酿成犹如柠檬汽水般的甘甜。——《This is us》 今天来聊聊Kate吧,挺喜欢这胖姑娘的,有腼腆、有脾气、有能力、还有人爱。如果你没看过这部剧,凭这几个形容词...
In the 2000s, that was high black boots and a structured dress, as seen here on Kate Middleton. Paired with a black shoulder bag, Kate’s white belted and button down jacket-like dress kept things pared down for the 2007 Concert For Diana At Wembley Stadium. Coordination is key ...
As This is Us’ Kate Pearson, Chrissy is a champion for women who have experienced the unfairness of life but still manage to find a silver lining in every experience. This Is Us airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on NBC. Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) carried around the biggest weight of al...
图片来自《This is us》 是的,我们害怕那个真实的自己,与胖瘦无关,与是否接纳自我有关。短板理论并不适用于人生,不是把所谓的“短板”补上去就变成人生赢家了,这个世界恰恰是因为多元才有了各种各样的美。眼睛一直盯着“短板”的人永远不知道把优势发挥到淋漓尽致的自己多有魅力!
天圣之水 - 美剧This is Us(我们的日子),Kate登台演唱《Landslide》片段猜你喜欢 Oh Wonder-Landslide(之前Lil Uzi Vert的The Way Life Goes,采样的是来自Oh Wonder的这首Landslide,这两天听了好几遍原版,超级好听的!!!推荐给大家啦!!) Toby Randall、DJ Khaled-Landslide Stevie Nicks-Landslide Tenille Townes...
Kate Beckinsale, 48, showed off her toned legs while dancing in a brand new Instagram video. Cardio intervals on a curved treadmill help her stay fit and toned.