State Attorney General Ken Paxton has demanded thata woman named Kate Cox must go through with her current pregnancy– a pregnancy her own doctor has already said could be detrimental
3, 2021: The sibling she’d dreamt of giving her daughter would not survive this pregnancy. The fetus was on the verge of … Continue reading → Posted in The great state of Texas | Tagged abortion, Amanda Zurawski, Election 2024, EMTALA, Greg Abbott, Josseli Barnica, Kate Cox, Ken ...
Doctors said the mother-of-two’s health and future fertility would also be at risk if her pregnancy continued. Ms Cox was around 20 weeks pregnant when a lower court in Texas –which has a near complete ban on abortion – ruled she could go ahead with the emergency procedure earlier ...
On its face, of course, Paxton’s threat was directed at Cox and her medical team and supporters. And that threat is still live; Paxton is precisely the type of lawless ideologue who would like to test how far he can use Texas’ abortion bans to criminalize people who have, provide o...