while the Coxes were in New Mexico,the Texas Supreme Court overturned a lower court ruling, saying Kate Cox did not qualify for a medical exemption to the abortion ban.
Brian Cox Brinke Stevens BritFlick British gangsters Britsh gangster film BROKEN BIRD Bruce Wemple BULLETS OF JUSTICE CALL HER KING Cannibal Carlos Boellinger Cary Crankson Cass CASTING KILL Cavan Clerkin CEREBRUM Chad Ferrin Charlie Bond Charlie Chaplin Charlie Steeds Ch...
A woman who was blocked by a court from having an emergency abortion has fled Texas to get “healthcare” outside the state instead, campaigners say. Kate Cox, 31, has been at the centre of a legal battle ever since she sought court approval for the procedure after her foetus was diagn...
Interview: Douglas Johnson and Kate Michelman on abortion rightsTONY COX