厉害了!Kate Bush旧曲《Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)》登顶本周英国单曲榜!打破了最久时间登顶单曲榜的纪录(37年,1985-2022),此前由Wham!的《Last Christmas》 创造(36年)。Kate Bush还成为了拿到冠单最年长的女艺人(63 岁11个月),此前纪录是Cher创造(52岁)- LYouTube油管精选的微博视频 ...
Youtube 1985年8月5日,凯特·布什(Kate Bush)在BBC TV's Wogan show上表演了“Running Up That Hill”。赞扬从四面八方飞来。“令人震惊的……印象深刻的,感动”18个月内,NME承认该曲是英国乐史上非黑人艺人最佳单曲。 Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) 音乐 音乐现场 LIVE Wogan 1985 怪奇物语 ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puzGZ25dbDc Kate Bush的这首Running up that hill 因怪奇物语第四季再次火了起来,视频来自1985年的现场发现《Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)》 音乐 音乐现场 LIVE 欧美 现场 怪奇物语 Netflix Stranger Things Kate Bush...
sings Kate, adding breathlessly, ‘Here comes that son of mine.’ I was ready to believe anything by the time I listened to Aerial. What I discovered is that nothing much has changed in Kate Bush’s world, except perhaps everything. She’s still seething with strangeness and brilliance. ...
[Felder], looking — she doesn’t really have to; she knows all these songs. And I’ll never forget, she sent an email that was like, “I think it’s ‘Running Up That Hill,’ Kate Bush.” And that was our [mine and Ross’] top choice, completely separately. Then we started ...
在线看Kate Bush & Peter Gabriel – Another Day 3分钟 40秒。2008 7月 30的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 138 — 已浏览。 8 — 已评价。
Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill" hits the top five of the global rankings, plus more than 20 countries' charts thanks to 'Stranger Things.
Kate Bush said she was 'blown away' by her 1985 classic 'Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)' hitting one billion streams on Spotify.
在线看Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill (Extended.. 10分钟 33秒。2020 4月 25的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 1 — 已评价。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puzGZ25dbDc Kate Bush的这首Running up that hill 因怪奇物语第四季再次火了起来,视频来自1985年的现场 Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) 音乐 音乐现场 LIVE 欧美 现场 怪奇物语 Netflix Stranger Things ...