If getting to grips with katakana is a challenge, why not get in touch with one of Preply’s online Japanese tutors who work with beginners. Dakuten and handakuten chart Dakuten and handakuten are marks that modify the basic sounds of some katakana characters. Dakuten (゛) add a voiced...
Hone your writing with DRAWING PRACTICE then study with free FLASHCARDS. When you are ready, take the Kanshudo katakana CHALLENGE. Once you have read this guide, you can mark it as completed using the button at the bottom of the guide. Contents 1. Basic katakana chart 2. Dakuten and ...
As I mentioned above, giving you a chart of every kanji iswaybeyond the scope of this guide. There are literally thousands of them. Here are two points that you should know: Most Japanese people don’t know every single Kanji so don’t beat yourself up for not knowing them all. ...
Every single character is included from the small "tsu" to the little "yo" and of course the dakuten and handakuten characters! Vowels can also be lengthened with the "-" mark. If you learn best through play and exploration you'll most likely get a lot out of this app! I can't ...
Find the katakana chart that's right for you, and avoid the bad ones. Learn katakana fast using our curated list of downloadable charts.
Optionally, download thekatakana "mnemonic" chart. It's a handy chart that shows basic katakana along their mnemonic images, which we'll be using on this page to help you remember the katakana. Print it and hang it on your bathroom door, or your bedroom ceiling — whatever spot you think...