The first records of the word kata in English come from the 1950s. It’s directly borrowed from a Japanese word meaning “shape,”“pattern,” or “form.” In karate, specific katas are often referred to as forms. Katas are associated with Japanese culture and martial arts practices but ...
The meaning of KATACHROMASIS is the mitotic nuclear transformations leading to formation of daughter nuclei from the chromosome groups separated in anaphase.
The meaning of SYNKATATHESIS is acceptance or endorsement of a presentation or idea as true or valid —used of a Stoic doctrine analogous to the modern view of judgment.
2010, Kenji Tokitsu,TheKatas: The Meaning Behind the Movements. Etymology 2 FromAncient Greekκατά(katá,“downwards”). Comparecata-. Noun kata(pluralkatas) Abbreviation ofkata thermometer. (in combination)A drop (in temperature). ...
Kata英文名什么意思:匈牙利短格式的KATALIN,芬兰短格式的KATARIINA和克罗地亚短格式的KATARINA。 Kata英文名印象:想理解和帮助别人解决问题,但有时管得太多,太过操心.乐观,有责任感.能自如的表达自己的感情.总把事情拖到不能不做时才做.干需要进取心和动力的工作很难成功. ...
Meaning and Meaning-Extension of the Verb Kata in KiswahiliGoodness, DevetJournal of Education, Humanities & Sciences (JEHS)
AmericanHeritage®DictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage,FifthEdition.Copyright©2016byHoughtonMifflinHarcourtPublishingCompany.PublishedbyHoughtonMifflinHarcourtPublishingCompany.Allrightsreserved. geisha (ˈɡeɪʃə) n,pl-shaor-shas aprofessionalfemalecompanionformeninJapan,trainedinmusic,dancing,andtheartofconv...
English If this card isdestroyed by battleorcard effect: You cantarget1 "Zoodiac" card in yourGraveyard, except "Zoodiac Kataroost";shuffleit into theDeck. AnXyz Monsterwhose originalTypeisBeast-Warriorand has this card asXyz Materialgains this effect. ...
It is regarded that non-verbal communication seems to be very important in our daily communication whereby it helps to convey a meaning and message even effectively rather than just mere verbal communication. Trough the researcher's past observation and experience as an educationist, student may ...
etc., as κατακαλύπτω, καταλιθάζω, κατασφραγίζω, κατασκιάζω, καταισχύνω (where the German uses the prefixüber (English over), asüberschatten, überdecken, or the syllablebe, asbeschatten, besiegeln); also in ad...