PENEGAKAN HUKUM TERHADAP KASUS PENCEMARANLINGKUNGAN HIDUP SEBAGAI AKIBAT PERTAMBANGANRAKYAT di KECAMATAN PALU TIMUR KOTA PALUCentral Sulawesi is the region in Sulawesi island that is very rich with the natural resource, especially in the gold mining....
PERAN TOKSIKOLOGI FORENSIK DALAM MENGUNGKAP KASUS KERACUNAN DAN PENCEMARAN LINGKUNGANIn Indonesia, there are many cases of poisoning and environmental pollution which are hardto reveal, mostly because there are insufficient data needed to proof the cause of the case, i.e., B...
Analisis Dampak Limbah Fly Ash terhadap Pencemaran Lingkungan (Studi Kasus Industri Pulp and Paper Pangkalan Kerinci)doi:10.31258/terubuk.51.1.1788-1791The accumulation of fly ash in large quantities will cause problems for the environment, such as air and water pol...
PERTANGGUNG JAWABAN PERUSAHAAN PEMILIK KAPAL TERHADAP KASUS PENCEMARAN LINGKUNGAN SEBAGAI AKIBAT TUMPAHAAN MINYAK MUATAN KAPAL LAUT DI INDONESIAdoi:10.46799/syntax-idea.v5i12.2650This academic article aims to analyze the liability of shipowners for cases of environmental pol...