IMPLIKASI HUKUM INTERNASIONAL TERHADAP KEJAHATAN PERANG YANG DILAKUKAN OLEH TENTARA BAYARAN (STUDI KASUS LEGIUN GEORGIA)doi:10.36418/syntax-literate.v9i2.15353Mercenaries are individuals who participate in a armed conflict with the objective of pursuing personal gain...
ION CASE STUDIES PT MEIWA INTERNASIONAL BREACH OF CONTRACT IN CONDUCTING MAHKAMAH AGUNG DECISIONS NO. 3493 K/PDT/2004 THAT HAVE PERMANENT LEGAL FORCE Agreement is a covenant made by two or more persons to do or not do something. When agreement are not implemented or violated by one of the ...
AKIBAT HUKUM PERATIFIKASIAN PERJANJIAN INTERNASIONAL DI INDONESIA: STUDI KASUS KONVENSI PALERMO 2000Ratification in Indonesia does not have any legal consequences for the application of the treaties at national level. The reason is that ratification only binds Indonesia a...