Ichiban Kasuga|Wealth: 0 Random Male Female Androgynous Animal Ears ☰ Menu >>> ID125408 NameIchiban Kasuga Other Names春日一番 RoleProtagonist Primary AssignmentYakuza: Like a Dragon Media Typevideo game Voiced ByKazuhiro Nakaya, 中谷一博, なかや かずひろ ...
Ichiban是否仍然是主角并不完全清楚,但似乎他确实是。但可以肯定的是,Yakuza 将在一个新的环境中发生。大多数 Yakuza 设置都是日本真实地点的虚构版本,就像侠盗猎车手创建自己对现实世界城市的解释一样,目前尚不清楚这里的灵感是什么。同样未知的是游戏何时发布,或者在主角成为日本毒品丑闻的对象之后,它们是否会成...
KasugaIchiban 24-09-18 09:30 发布于 青海 来自 微博轻享版 转发@影剧侦探社 【4K】奉俊昊编导科幻电影《米奇17 Mickey 17》发布正式预告,北美2025年1月31日院线上映。主演阵容为Robert Pattinson、Naomi Ackie、Steven Yeun、Toni Collette和Mark Ruffalo。 L影剧侦探社的微博视频 小...
Ichiban first discovers a baseball bat stuck in the ground and, through a bizarre but wholesome thought process, he decides to pull it from the ground as if it were a scene from Arthurian legend to prove his worthiness as a hero. From there the stage is set and Ichiban’s journey as ...
Strong Jobs For Ichiban Kasuga In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Starting in Chapter 2, the party will gain access tonew jobs inLike a Dragon: Infinite Wealthand the ability to change careers. Some of these require completing a quest, having high enough stats, or paying a fee. You should...
Ichiban Kasuga is the main protagonist of Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Kasuga has a dragon tattoo on his back that earned him “The Dragon of Rock Bottom” nickname. He used to work under the Yakuza clan patriarch, Tojo Clan’s Masumi Arakawa. After 18 years of imprisonment, he got released ...
KasugaIchiban 24-07-9 14:58 发布于 青海 来自 iPhone客户端 //@喝茶论道谈风月://@长安乔木2023:很多人都不干人事。//@一目荒塘://@郭姨的围脖备号://@xzg1971-1988-2024:物竞天择,适者生存,继续加油哦 @隔壁还是老王 每天在浴室里照镜子,我都兴奋不已。我的血管里流淌着五千年的悠久文化,和关键...