NameIchiban Kasuga Other Names春日一番 RoleProtagonist Primary AssignmentYakuza: Like a Dragon Media Typevideo game Voiced ByKazuhiro Nakaya, 中谷一博, なかや かずひろ Voiced ByKaiji Tang, 唐凯吉, Tagsafro,suit,beard,curly hair Personality ...
Ichiban first discovers a baseball bat stuck in the ground and, through a bizarre but wholesome thought process, he decides to pull it from the ground as if it were a scene from Arthurian legend to prove his worthiness as a hero. From there the stage is set and Ichiban’s journey as ...
Strong Jobs For Ichiban Kasuga In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Starting in Chapter 2, the party will gain access tonew jobs inLike a Dragon: Infinite Wealthand the ability to change careers. Some of these require completing a quest, having high enough stats, or paying a fee. You should...
Ichiban是否仍然是主角并不完全清楚,但似乎他确实是。但可以肯定的是,Yakuza 将在一个新的环境中发生。大多数 Yakuza 设置都是日本真实地点的虚构版本,就像侠盗猎车手创建自己对现实世界城市的解释一样,目前尚不清楚这里的灵感是什么。同样未知的是游戏何时发布,或者在主角成为日本毒品丑闻的对象之后,它们是否会...
KasugaIchiban 24-07-9 14:58 发布于 青海 来自 iPhone客户端 //@喝茶论道谈风月://@长安乔木2023:很多人都不干人事。//@一目荒塘://@郭姨的围脖备号://@xzg1971-1988-2024:物竞天择,适者生存,继续加油哦 @隔壁还是老王 每天在浴室里照镜子,我都兴奋不已。我的血管里流淌着五千年的悠久文化,和关键...
KasugaIchiban 24-09-14 00:39 发布于 青海 来自 微博轻享版 转发@神龙士力架0517 《异人之下》2之异人狂想曲#正式确诊为异人#(素材来源于网络,侵权删除)BGM:Win Even Though You Are Weak(以弱制胜)—Hyper Slash L神龙士力架0517的微博视频 ...