读音:美英 kassapa buddha基本解释 迦叶佛;他才记起从迦叶佛 分词解释 Buddha佛 kassapa buddha是什么意思 kassapa buddha怎么读 kassapa buddha在线翻译 kassapa buddha中文意思 kassapa buddha的解释 kassapa buddha的发音 kassapa buddha意思是什么 kassapa buddha怎么翻译 kassapa buddha的中文翻译 kassapa buddha的...
see Vin I 69-71. Spk: The candidate is actually given the going forth and lives as a novice during the probationary period, after which the bhikkhus give him the higher ordination if they are satisfied with him. The Buddha, however, is entitled to waive the usual procedure when he recogn...
dapa kassapa 读音:美英 dapa kassapa基本解释 法名为达柏迦叶波 分词解释 dapa地可松(diaminopimelicacid)
读音:美英 purana kassapa基本解释 富兰那迦叶;不兰迦叶;富兰那·迦叶;兰迦叶 分词解释 Purana印度史诗(指印度关于创世、神、万物进化等18篇史诗中的任何一篇) purana kassapa是什么意思 purana kassapa怎么读 purana kassapa在线翻译 purana kassapa中文意思 purana kassapa的解释 purana kassapa的发音 purana kassap...
然后如来再次对迦叶说:你现在应该坚持所有的这部经中的言语,章节,条款和所有的美德。 —— 给力词典精选 2. On Buddha´s left side venerable Mahakasyapa the great Brahman, a yogi with all the super normal powers that Patanjali explains in the third chapter of Yoga Sutras. ...