Kashi officially introduces Kashi by Kids, a collection of organic cereals co-created with kids, for kids. As the company's first line developed for kids, Kashi collaborated with passionate Gen Z leaders who inspire others to make a difference in the world and share Kashi's desire to make a...
Kashi Vishweshwar and Prayagraj?s chief priests of the temple Hon. Prashant Pathak Guruji and Hon. Ranjit Guruji respectively who been representing Maharashtra for many decades. They visited youth ideal and the youngest entrepreneur of India, Mr. Arjun ...
I thought I could talk a bit of Varanasi in the lore and legends of ancient India; and of the Varanasi of the time of the Buddha, where he first taught and wandered. It is city of light; the City of delight ; the abode of Visveswara; the city of the well of knowledge – Jnan...
Prayagraj and Ayodhya as part of the ongoing Kashi-Tamil Sangamam, the mega month-long jamboree organised by the Ministry of Education to celebrate the historical and civilisational connection between India’s North and South.
Pilgrim narratives constitute a significant number of travel narratives which appeared in Sanskrit, English and various Indian bhashas in the 18th and 19th centuries. Raja Veera Kerala Varma IV, who ruled the erstwhile princely state of Kochi (Cochin) in South Western India, wrote an account of...
India+91 Indonesia+62 Iran (Islamic Republic of)+98 Iraq+964 Ireland+353 Israel+972 Italy+39 Jamaica+876 Japan+81 Jordan+962 Kazakhstan+7 Kenya+254 Kiribati+686 Korea, Democratic People's Republic of+850 Korea, Republic of+82 Kuwait+965 Kyrgyzstan+7 Lao People's Democratic Republic+856 ...
The largest and earliest historically documented earthquake in the central Himalaya occurred in 1803 (M 7.7) near Uttarkashi on the western part, much before the great event of 1934 (Mw 8.2, located farther to the east) - both of which were felt severely in the Gangetic Plain south of the...
The 19 October 1991 Uttarkashi, India earthquake occurred in the main thrust zone of the Himalaya. With a moment magnitude of 6.8, this event is characteristic of the present-day motion on the thrust fault system. We examine this earthquake using different sets of data in order to understand...
Occurrence of creep (stable-slip) motion is supported by the inferred south-west (SW) orientation of compressive stresses in Uttarkashi earthquake and presence of the north-west (NW) trending shear zones in the region. Ongoing convergence between India and Tibet would have provided the necessary ...