The Seven Whole Grain 公司,自然增甜纤维棒,大豆蛋白全麦粉和蜂蜜泡芙麦片,12 克蛋白质,13 克纤维,8 克全谷物,非转基因项目验证,每份 8 克以上全谷物,每日进食 48 克或更多全谷物,积极进食,每天 25 克大豆蛋白作为低饱和脂肪和胆固醇饮食的一部分,可降低患心脏病的风险。一份 Kashi GOLEAN 谷物提供 9.5 ...
Since many of us add fruits, honey and nut butters to our shakes, we intentionally made our GOLEAN Plant Powered Shakes with low levels of sweetness so you can customize them to your liking. Cheers! Other Ingredients: Pea Protein, Ground Flax Seeds, Ground Chia Seeds, Dried Spinach, Hemp ...
Kashi, GoLean 谷物,13.1 盎司(371 克) Kashi, GoLean 谷物,13.1 盎司(371 克) 添加
Reports on the launch of a television advertisement for Kashi GoLean Crunch cereal from Kellogg, created by Amazon Advertising, to be aired in February 2005. Amount spent by Kellogg on advertisements in 2003 and 2004; Concept of the advertisement; Sal...
Nutrition facts and analysis for Cereals ready-to-eat, KASHI GOLEAN CRUNCH! by KELLOGG. Complete nutritional content according to the USDA
Kashi GOLEAN Bar 早餐減肥條又名Kashi 早餐減肥條。每100克含有355.6千卡热量,62.2克碳水化合物,6.7克脂肪,17.8克蛋白质,11.1克纤维素。Kashi GOLEAN Bar 早餐減肥條热量含量一般,减肥期间需要有控制地食用。脂肪含量一般,高胆固醇人群需要有控制地食用。 总的来说,Kashi GOLEAN Bar 早餐減肥條是一种高碳水化合物...
Make choosing wholesome a little easier with plant-based, nutrient-containing cereal, protein bars, waffles and more made from simple ingredients.
美味的KASHI go lean crunch 麦片 食物热量: 190 大卡 / 53克 碳水化合物: 每53克KASHI go lean crunch 麦片含有≈ 39 克碳水化合物,占比约 73.58%。 脂肪: 每53克KASHI go lean crunch 麦片含有≈ 3 克脂肪,占比约 5.66%。 蛋白质: 每53克KASHI go lean crunch 麦片含有≈ 9 克蛋白质,占比约 16...
A 51 oz box of Kashi Go Lean Crunch at Costco normally costs $8.99. Unit price is 17.6 cents/oz. This month, there’s a $2.50 instant rebate which reduces the price to $6.49. Unit price is 12.7 cents/oz. Is Costco cheaper? Yes!
薄荷食物库 / 谷薯芋、杂豆、主食 / KASHI go lean crunch 麦片 健身人群 一般人群 KASHI go lean crunch 麦片的热量和减肥功效 热量:358 大卡(100克) 分类:谷薯芋、杂豆、主食 营养信息 营养素含量(每100克) 营养素含量(每100克) 热量(大卡)358.00 碳水化合物(克)73.58 脂肪(克)5.66 蛋白质(克)...