几乎是同时呢,苏联杰出的光物理学加谢尔盖·伊万诺维奇·瓦维诺夫也提出了著名的Vavilov's law,认为光致发光的量子效率与激发波长无关——实际上这个规则与Kasha's rule等价——所以后世也把这两个规则并称:Kasha-Vavilov's law。 但是,和马氏规则一样,这个结论的推导过程有一个重要的假设:内转换速率真的非常快。
Williams RM, Verhoeven JW (1994) On the applicability of the Kasha-Vavilov rule to C60. Spectrochim Acta 50A:251-254Williams RM, Verhoeven JW. On the applicability of the Kasha-Vavilov rule to C 60 . Spectro Acta. 1994; 50A :251–4....
In many statements of Kasha’s Rule found online the definition is expanded to include this invariance of quantum yield with wavelength; this is incorrect. This behaviour is instead described by the lesser known Vavilov’s Rule (or Kasha-Vavilov Rule) which is named after Soviet physicist Sergey...
A possible route to the violation of Vavilov–Kasha rule in phenyl based π-conjugated polymers is proposed. We show that there exists ‘optically silent’ two photon states closed to the first excited two photon state in phenyl based π-conjugated polymers. Existence of such states explain why...
"Emission Wavelength Variation with Changes in Excitation in a Re(I)bisthiazole Ligand Complex that Breaks the Kasha- Vavilov Rule." Chemical Science 4 (2013): 2490-2495.Emission wavelength variation with changes in excitation in a re (i)–bisthiazole ligand complex that breaks the kasha–...
A possible route to the violation of Vavilov–Kasha rule in phenyl based π-conjugated polymers is proposed. We show that there exists ' optically silent' two photon states closed to the first excited two photon state in phenyl based π-conjugated polymers. Existence of such states explain why...