FN Top News|在确认投票之前,一名“惊恐”的民主党参议员在推特上对卡什·帕特尔(Kash Patel)进行了猛烈抨击,这一举动在社交媒体上引起了轩然大波 A fierce attack on FBI director nominee Kash Patel by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-RI, drew mockery from conservatives on social media ahead of an ex...
特朗普提名的FBI局长候选人卡什·帕特尔(Kash Patel)获得了一位关键共和党参议员的支持 参议院民主党领袖迪克·德宾(Dick Durbin)在参议院地板上声称,帕特尔(Patel)是FBI最近大规模解雇的幕后黑手,他引用了他所说的“高度可信”的告密者报告,该报告表明帕特尔在获得任命前曾亲自指挥对FBI员工的持续清洗。然而...
华盛顿(美联社)一名高级民主党参议员在称他获得信息后,要求司法部监察长进行调查,该信息指出,唐纳德·特朗普总统提名领导FBI的候选人卡什·帕特尔(Kash Patel)一直在“亲自指导FBI内部正在进行的特工清洗”。周二,参议院司法委员会的民主党领袖、参议员迪克·杜尔宾(Dick Durbin)写信称,帕特尔(Patel)可能在上...
An Associated Press review of more than 100 podcasts that Kash Patel hosted or on which he was interviewed reveals how Patel has habitually denigrated the investigations into Trump.
President Donald Trump's pick to lead the FBI, Kash Patel, got rich consulting for a roster of foreign clients whose interests may clash with the law enforcement agency he hopes to lead.
新上任的FBI局长卡什·帕特尔(Kash Patel)于周一宣誓就职,担任酒精、烟草、火器和爆炸物管理局(ATF)的代理局长,同时他也将接管两个独立的司法部机构。ATF热烈欢迎代理局长Kash Patel就任,他今天宣誓就职并首次访问了位于华盛顿特区的ATF总部。我们期待与Kash Patel共同为更安全的美国而努力!特朗普宣布丹·邦吉诺...
FN Top News|在投票前,参议院民主党人警告共和党称,卡什·帕特尔(Kash Patel)被特朗普选为FBI局长“将会困扰你”Democrats on the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee claimed their GOP counterparts would "rue the day" they confirm FBI Director nominee Kash Patel , who is slated for a final vote ...
当地时间11月30日,美国当选总统特朗普在社交媒体上宣布,他将提名卡什·帕特尔(Kash Patel)担任美国下一任联邦调查局(FBI)局长。据悉,卡什·帕特尔在特朗普的第一个任期内曾担任美国国防部幕僚长、国家情报局副局长和国家安全委员会反恐事务高级主任。(央视新闻客户端)...
FN Top News|新上任的FBI局长卡什·帕特尔(Kash Patel)欢迎丹·邦尼诺(Dan Bongino)担任副局长,并表示:“他是一位真正的警官。”FBI Director Kash Patel, who was just sworn in on Friday, issued a post on Monday declaring that he is "proud to welcome Dan Bongino as the next Deputy Director ...
CBS Top News|消息人士透露,卡什·帕特尔(Kash Patel)将被任命为代理枪支管制局局长(ATF chief)Kash Patel, the newly sworn-in director of the FBI, is expected to also be named acting head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, two Justice Department sources confirmed to ...