Log In Subscribe [ het-er-uh-kar-ee-oh-sis ] nounBiology. condition in which a binucleate or multinucleate cell contains genetically dissimilar nuclei. QUIZ Test Your Solar Eclipse Knowledge With Our Quiz Since a total solar eclipse doesn’t happen every day, you'll want to be prepared whe...
The term 'enteromonad' should have a purely utilitarian meaning – Diplomonadida with a single karyomastigont. Methods Cultures Isolates used in this study are summarized in Table 2. All enteromonad isolates were obtained from animal guts or feces, except isolates KOMPKOJ and IT1, which were...
An ANCOM-BC analysis revealed the significantly differentially abundant taxa and their log-fold differences in abundance between the freshwater and marine microbialite communities. Marine and hypersaline microbialites were significantly dominated by diatoms, specifically Araphid-pennate (~4 log folds more...