My resting rate had always been around 40. Eventually I learned I had a serious valve problem and a PFO (hole in the heart between chambers), and an enlarged heart, even though I had no symptoms. Open heart surgery saved me. It's still not clear to me whether the slow pulse should ...
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Calculate your target heart rate with the Karvonen method. Target Heart Rate Calculator Enter your age and resting heart rate: To get your resting heart rate, take your pulse for one full minute when you first wake up in the morning or after you've resting for a while. ...
NEW 2.0 VERSIONThe Karvonen Formula is a method of calculating your optimal heart rate range to train either at a fat loss method or cardiovascular method. This range is from 55% to 85% based on your age and resting heart rate.As you exercise more, your heart is able to efficiently pump...