The Karnataka State Cooperative Urban Banks Federation Ltd., Bangalore is an apex level body registered under the Karnataka State Cooperative Societies Act ,1959. The Urban Banks federation was constituted with an objective for promoting cooperative movement and for providing training and education to th...
State of Karnataka, deals with the various facets of establishment and administration of educational institutions in general and with minority education in particular ai 基金会诉卡纳塔卡邦一案 # 中具有里程碑意义的判决涉及了一般教育机构建立和管理的各个方面,特别是少数群体教育。 MultiUn FAO has ...
9Cooperative Societies registered under the Karnataka Cooperative Societies Act and engaged in any profession, trade or calling.Rs. 2,500-00 per annum 10Companies registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and engaged in any profession, trade or calling; Banking companies as defined ...
For example, the Yeshasvini Cooperative Farmers Health Scheme (Karnataka, India), which serves # million people, is financed by members' annual premium contributions and government subsidy 例如,为 # 万人提供服务的Yeshasvini农民合作保健计划(卡纳塔克邦,印度)就是由成员每年缴付的保费和政府补贴资助的。