The Karnataka High Court paused trial court proceedings against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in a criminal defamation case filed by the state BJP, linked to the 'Corruption Rate Card' ads accusing BJP leaders of corruption. The court set the next hearing for February 20. Gandhi, Siddaramaiah, an...
Full bench of Karnataka High Court to hear five Independent MLAs disqualified caseAnjaliPrint this
destroyed, defaced, or becomes illegible. In that case, the holder of the certificate may apply along with a court-free stamp of rupee one to the assessing authority for the grant of a duplicate copy of such certificate.
Three sellers on Flipkart have filed a lawsuit against the Competition Commission of India (CCI) before the Karnataka High Court, asking it to “set aside” the antitrust investigation into the Walmart-backed e-commerce company,Mint reported. The sellers, CIGFIL Retail, Wishery Online, and Xon...
Extreme IX has challenged the requirement for an ISP license at the Delhi High Court with the next date of the case being January 7, 2025. How would NIXI authorisation affect the IXP debate? With NIXI obtaining ISP authorization despite its earlier opposition, this appears to weaken Extreme IX...