Provided that the payment of tax may also be made in cash to the assessing authority or where the amount does not exceed rupees five hundred, to the Commercial Tax Inspector attached to the jurisdictional assessing authority. The receipts for such payments shall be issued inForm-23. Where paymen...
2. For Educational Assistance to Children of the Labours: Students, Educational Institutions, Factories and Firms should register themselves and apply for Scholarship online. Login For Educational Assistance to Children of the Labours 3. For the payment of Welfare ...
Commercial properties (A few banks) Agricultural land FD, Insurance policy, and Government bonds Note: In Bangalore, the municipal corporation split the properties into three categories in 2007: "A Khata" properties, which are entirely legal and have paid all taxes; "B Khata" buildings, whi...
Commercial and Shops Establishment Societies registered under Karnataka Societies Welfare Board in Service of Workers The Karnataka Labour Welfare Fund was established for the purpose of supporting and carrying out initiatives to enhance the welfare of contributing employees covered by the KLW Act of 1965...