卡尔·雷蒙德·波普尔爵士,CH,FRS,FBA(英语:Sir Karl Raimund Popper,1902年7月28日-1994年9月17日),出生于奥地利,犹太人,获誉为20世纪最伟大的哲学家之一。美国哲学家巴特利称其哲学为“哲学史上第一个非证成批判主义哲学”(the first non justificational philosophy of criticism in the history of philosophy...
斯蒂芬·海瑟林顿( Stephen Hetherington )为新南威尔大学悉尼分校荣休哲学教授,担任《澳大利亚哲学杂志》( the Australasian Joumal of Philosophy )主编,剑桥大学出版社《知识论纲要》( Elements inEpistemology )系列丛书主编,《盖梯尔难题》( The Gettier Problem , 2019)等十部本书的主编,以及四卷本《知识学的历史...
Volume 14 in the "Major Conservative and Libertarian Thinkers" series focuses on Karl Popper, an important and controversial thinker of the 20th century. Karl Popper is best known for his contributions to the philosophy of science and the history of ideas. Elements of Popper's thought were clear...
of democratic liberalism as a social and political philosophy, and a devastating critique of the principal philosophical presuppositions underpinning all forms of totalitarianism. Thirdly, as we have seen, Popper was profoundly impressed by the differences between the allegedly ‘scientific’ theories of ...
Although at first Popper's focus concerned mainly physical science, subsequently he extended the scope of his philosophy to include social science, notably inThe Poverty of Historicism(1957) andThe Open Society and its Enemies(1945). In the first of these Popper attacked those forms of historical...
Information Philosopher is dedicated to the new Information Philosophy, with explanations for Freedom, Values, and Knowledge.
Friedel Weinert is emeritus professor of the history and philosophy of science at the University of Bradford in the UK. He is the author of several books about the interactions of science and philosophy: The Scientist as Philosopher (2004); Copernicus, Darwin and Freud (2009); The March of ...
Popper's philosophy of science represents a radical departure from almost all other views about knowledge. This helps account for serious misunderstandings of it among admirers no less than among adversaries. The view that knowledge has and needs no foundations is counterintuitive and apparently ...
Popper’s principal contribution to thephilosophy of sciencerests on his rejection of theinductive methodin theempiricalsciences. According to this traditional view, ascientific hypothesismay be tested and verified by obtaining the repeated outcome ofsubstantiatingobservations. As the Scottish empiricistDavid...