Karl Marx’s theory of religion is an illustration of his theory of alienation. He argues that in primitive societies man resorted to magical cum religious explanations to deal with phenomena which were beyond his understanding. With the development of the institution of private property of the mea...
A close analysis of Marx's theory of religion uncovers rational choice elements that anticipate the more formalized method of Stark and his associates. Marx's theory is still relevant for contemporary sociology of religion insofar as it reveals that Stark's paradigm can be modified by: (1) ...
【1】Marx的唯物史观与Hegel唯心史观的差异在于,Hegel以世界精神解释历史的目的,而Marx则以实践和社会结构作诠释。 【2生产力】重新定义生产结构和生产力,将生产力排除在生产结构以外;修正了生产力的内涵,将生产力分为生产资料和劳动能力,其中生产资料包括生产工具(工具、机器、房屋及附属品、其工具作用的原料)、原料...
Kritik der Religion bei Marx. München: Kösel. Google Scholar Siebert, R. (2010). Manifesto of the critical theory of society and religion. The wholly other, liberation, happiness, and the rescue of the hopeless (Bd. 1). Leiden: Brill. Google Scholar Sperber, J. (2013). Karl Marx...
Deutsche Ideologie" (1846, The German Ideology), which he did not publish.[5] Another link to the Young Hegelians was Moses Hess, with whom Marx eventually disagreed, yet to whom he owed many of his insights into the relationship between state, society and religion....
But unfortunately for Marx, the revolution in Russia came after he had died and gone to wherever it is that atheists go. And by then, Stalin and his gang had proved there were lots of other ways to oppress people which didn't have any of the fun bits of religion or, indeed, opium...
Karl Marx (1818–83) was a revolutionary, socialist, historian, and economist who wrote the works, including Das Kapital and (with Friedrich Engels) The Communist Manifesto, that formed the basis of the body of thought and belief known as Marxism.
A. Cohen attempted to defend Marx's thought as a coherent and scientific theory of history by reconstructing it through the lens of analytic philosophy. This gave birth to Analytical Marxism, an academic movement which also included Jon Elster, Adam Przeworski and John Roemer. Bertell Ollman is...
Born in Trier, Karl Marx (1818–83), grew up in an environment saturated with the spirit of the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, and a republican worldview. Beginning as a left-Hegelian, Marx's editorship of the Rheinische Zeitung , Feuerbach's critique of religion, and his early expo...
Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of spiritless conditions. It is the opium of the people. To abolish religion as the illusory happiness of the people is to demand their real happiness. — Karl Marx ...