社会再生产理论和劳动价值论 1:56:06 Massimiliano Tomba: Nothing to Expect, but Tanning: Bodies at Work 1:36:16 马克思的货币价值理论 米夏埃尔·海因里希 Karl Marx’s Monetary Theory of Value - Michael Heinrich 1:58:53 Stephanie Smallwood: Centering Transatlantic Slave Trade in Critique of Capital...
Karl Marx全部作品:资本论(纪念版)全三卷,共产党宣言:纪念版,资本论(超值白金版),1844年经济学哲学手稿,德意志意识形态(节选本),政治经济学批判,资本论(套装共3册),雇佣劳动与资本,1844年经济学—哲学手稿,哥达纲领批判
①不过,马克思本人在用法语写作时使用了“forces productives”,因而,不确切的译法就有了一个权威的起源。② ①实际上,正如Therborn所指出的,Produktivkräfte是马克思对斯密和李嘉图的“productive powers”的最初的译法。参见Science, Class, and Society,第355页。 ②见《哲学的贫困》(英文版),第149、196页...
Marx and Engels' point was not only that such beliefs are at best half-truths; they serve an important political function. Put another way, the control that one class exercises over the means of production includes not only the production of food or manufactured goods; it includes the ...
在这个意义上,由赫尔穆特·莱希尔特(Helmut Reichelt)和汉斯-格奥尔格·巴克豪斯(Hans-Georg Backhaus)首先于德国发起的“新马克思阅读”(neue Marx-Lektüre)——如今,这项运动在以更有深度、更加严谨的方式得到促进,这要归功于米夏埃尔·海因里希( Michael Heinrich)和英格·埃尔贝 (Ingo Elbe)以及维尔纳·博内菲尔德(...
The Theory of Class Conflict According to Marxism, the whole history of societies is brought about by class conflicts. He says that these class struggles are a law of history and the main engine that pushes changes in economic development. Marx explains that class conflict is present in any so...
现货 卡尔马克思的历史理论 Karl Marx's Theory of History: A Defence 原版新书 1-2个工作日从苏州由顺丰快递发出 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:免运费 服务7天无理由退货 · 收货后结算 商品评价 暂无评价 澜瑞外文 进店逛逛 商品说明
Marxism is a socio-political theory based on the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It provides a critical analysis of the capitalist system and the social relations that exist within it. In a capitalist society, there is a ruling class that controls the means of production and holds ...
While Marx's answer was eventually proved incorrect, and later economists adopted thesubjective theory of value, his simple assertion was enough to show the weakness of the labor theory's logic and assumptions; Marx unintentionally helped fuel a revolution in economic thinking. ...